The Infallible Book

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Gold Line

Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read.
Is. 34:16.

One Bible

A few years ago I was staying at a friends place in Wellington, and while we were talking about spiritual matters right up into the early hours of the morning, the subject of the authenticity of the Authorized King James Bible came up once again. This time not only was it down graded to just being on a par with modern perversions (whoops! I mean versions!), but it was now discredited to the point of being too out-dated and far too archaic to have much relevance in today's age.

Waiting for a pause in conversation, after everyone had their dig at the Holy Book, I immediately went to their bookcase, pulled out as many versions I could find, including the King James, then quickly spread them out across the table in full view of everyone. Then I said, "could someone here please pick up the word of God and show it to me?"

After a brief pause someone said, "They all are!!" To which everyone else present (except myself) agreed to.

Then declared I rather sternly, "How can they all be when they all disagree with each other in various places? For instance, the NASB in John 1:18 says in regards to Jesus, 'only begotten God'. Can God be begotten? Whereas other versions say 'only begotten son'. The NWT says in John 1:1, 'the word was a god'. Was Jesus just another god? Whereas other versions say 'the word was God'. The RV misses out a huge part of Mark 16 (the punchy part, dealing with the power of God), most other versions include it. Which one is right? Some references say 'a son of the gods', others say 'the Son of God'. Some say 'a saviour', others say 'the Saviour' ... just to mention a few. They all appear to contradict each other in one place or another, and God is not the author of confusion. Their is only one version that does not tamper with, or water down the Deity of Christ ... and that is the AUTHORIZED KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible!!"

However, like many of their contemporaries, they did not know what I was saying. They did not understand plain speech . They still insisted against all sound reason all the various bibles together, or comparing them all together, somehow brought forth the truth.

I went onto quote Hebrews 10:7: "Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God" ...

"So Jesus is only found in a complete book, from Genesis to Revelation, without contradiction and without variance."

I went on and put a question to them; "PLEASE HAND ME THAT BOOK?? I NEED THAT BOOK!! If I can't find that book then how can I know I have a solid foundation in regards to my faith? How can I know I am truly saved?? If the foundations be destroyed (the solid rock of what God says) what can the righteous do?"

By revelation only:

But unfortunately, they could not see my point. It had not been revealed unto them ...

To understand the word of God the Lord made it very simple, so simple it could be construed as too hard to believe. He gave us a humble story about a sower sowing seed. Basically if we could understand this parable, then the whole picture (the word of God) would be opened to us, as we started out in our pilgrim adventure.

However, in regard to understanding the parable of the sower there was one criterion necessary ... a humble heart:

"Lord, I believe in whatever you say! My opinion is worthless, unless it is confirming / conforming to your word! Please forgive me for being "an authority" when I basically know nothing? All my earthly credentials mean nought in your sight. From now on may your Book correct me instead of me trying to correct your Book?"

Expedient, relative, or true:

As always, many of us are not prepared to give up our opinion in full, and therefore the Lord cannot reveal Himself to us in full. Our opinions then become a system of theories relying on the wisdom of human eloquence and ingenuity, nothing to do with the will of God, nor the base things of this world. But everything to do with what is highly esteemed by man, what is convenient, what suits the occasion and time, and worse of all ... what would puff-up human intellect.

Who does God reveal Himself to, who does He look to:

... even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembles at my word.

The word given not to titillate but to transform:

But who wants to tremble at Gods word!? Why not invent your own that looks close enough to the truth and at the same time will let you of the hook (and make a wee profit on the sideline)!? Hence, bible versions after bible versions coming out of our ears, keeping us from the simplicity that is in Christ. Producing a religion that makes us look productive, not for the kingdom of God's sake though, but our own group / denomination / club / thingie, replacing the foolishness of preaching with entertainment. And of course entertainment doesn't change us, it just adorns our Sunday or mid-week Service.

Removing the sting:

Therefore our faith looks attractive, or at least acceptable to the world, and not a threat. In other words the end result is a bloodless, ineffective, watered down gospel, making the world feel, along with its churchified people, comfortable before God.

The question now is ... how is Gods word revealed?

Yes, it is by the Holy spirit! Everything God does is in and through the Spirit. However, not trying to be technical or anything, let's get to the nitty gritty ... how is God's word manifested on earth?

Answer: Titus 1:3 ... preaching!!! God has chosen the foolishness of preaching !! Not the cleverness of man or the sophistication of the world, but plain old simple and straight forward preaching!!

Don't be put off by Hollywood's portrayal of a Preacher. Of some long pale faced Orator, wearing a long black coat, domineering from a soap box, using verbal condemnation and judgement, usually with a bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. One of Satan's chief tactics in discrediting bible believing fundamentalists.

How can they hear without a preacher:

The true meaning of preaching (biblically) is someone bearing good news at a more personal level ... sometimes in a street, sometimes in a park, sometimes in a building. Like Jesus sharing, from a seated position inside a boat. Philip, riding beside a stranger inside a chariot. Paul, with visitors in the relaxed atmosphere of his apartment in Rome, etc. Someone telling it-as-it-is to someone else, usually at grass-roots level.

The very first incident in the New Testament in regards to bearing the gospel were two women bringing good news of the risen Christ to the disciples.

Women (!!??) ... you might say. Remember, women had been totally put down until the New Testament era. And here were two women, one an ex-whore, and the other who had become pregnant before she was married. The scriptures going so far as saying:

... out of the mouths of babes ...

And if all else failed:

... even the stones would immediately cry out.

Not to mention the ragged John the Baptist as a voice crying out in the wilderness, pointing people to the Lamb of God, metaphorically of the coming Christians, as stones rejected, pointing people to the Saviour.

Today, as always, people do not generally like preaching. People do not like to be told. You can share, tell a story, give a testimony, but "please do not preach to me!!" People like being patronised, if you can make it sound like you are not patronising. People like hearing you, if you make out it sounds like their line / idea. Generally people don't like straight speaking anymore. They don't want absolutes. Hence, the ease in which Politically Correct terminology is being oozed upon us:

"There are no easy answers!" "Things have become more complicated!" "Values are old fashion!" "There are too many grey areas!" "I made a moral misjudgement!" "I had an inappropriate relationship!"

With it's New Age catch phrases like:

"You are too culturally insensitive!" "You're not positive enough!" You are coming out of the Dark Ages!" "You are full of stinking thinking!" "Get real, this is the nineties!"

Bible fundies ... are out!! Mr / Ms P.C. Snag's (Politically Correct Sensitive new age guy's / gal's) ... are in!!

But if you have Gods word, and know with full confidence it is Gods word, then you can call a spade a spade, you can speak confidently and straight, without wavering, knowing you are wielding God's Sword:

"For this is the commandments of God!!" "Thus saith the Lord!!" "This is the way, walk ye in it!!"

No waffling in this department.

How can they preach without the word:

The beginning of the first commandment to Israel was actually hear O Israel!! As faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, how can they hear unless there is a preacher. As I said before, forget your mentally conditioned image of a preacher and how that may apply. We're talking about a biblical conveyer, a bearer of good news.

Which brings us to the final point ... how can they preach with full confidence and surety "thus saith the Lord" unless they have Gods word. Therefore, we must know with full assurance we have Gods word, in all its entirety: The "i"s dotted, the "t"s crossed and the punctuation in its proper places, knowing one little slip-up (like a comma in the wrong place, can completely change the meaning); without one scripture broken and without any room for error. God would never judge us on what we said if He didn't stand by His word which He gave to us in the first place.

Gold Line

Conveyed by plain speech

Therefore, we can see clearly the message of the gospel contained in the holy writings, which we call the scriptures, is communicated in a simple way, vocally, by use of our speaking faculty called the mouth. Not by the cleverness of man's ways.

Which rules out "nice" things such as music, dance, drama and other such art forms. These things are really substitutes for the real thing, and actually neutralise the power of the gospel. If the gospel needed to be refined, tuned up or dressed up, to make it more appealing to the listener. God doesn't really want listeners anyway, but doers of the word. If we change the word of God into a mere entertaining commodity, it no longer becomes a thing to be feared and adhered to.

Take this one New Testament scripture f'instance:

... wherefore knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men.

How can a scripture like the above fit into a "lovely" Charismatic Celebration Service today?

Answer: Because where there is an absence of Gods word, there is also an absence of the fear of God. And the introduction of the modern / new age bible versions, redefining the word of God contained in the Authorized KJV, have done just that; replaced the fear of the Lord with light hearted glib "bless me" times. Which have left congregations wide open to receive as godly manifestations such demeaning acts as "being drunk in the Spirit", uncontrollable laughter; with ministers of the gospel doing such degrading things on all fours, mimicking an animal in front of their own congregation.

Can you see ... buy redefining the Book we totally discredit the Book and make Christianity a laughing stock.

We have a book:

God has given us a book. Pages with His inspired writings on, bound between two covers in tangible form:

All scripture (not just 'some' verses) are given by inspiration of God ... Every word (not just 'most' words) of God is pure.

What's more, He has promised to look after (preserve) His word, in page form, word for word, right through the turmoil's of history.

Is God a liar? Does He not keep His promise?:

Psalm 12: 6-7. The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

Do you know what the above verses are saying? You will never be taught this in any cult, personality sect, charismatic circle, nor in any neo-evangelical church for that matter. Let's dissect and take a closer look at the above verses:

  • The words of the Lord are pure words


This means God's word is not corrupted. When God's spoken word is penned by His servants and approved by Him, it cannot be influenced by man to mean anything else than what God originally intended it to be:

Pr. 30:5. Every word of God is pure ...

  • As silver tried in a furnace of earth


As the Devil and man have attacked God's word right through the aeons of time, it has proved its worth and uniqueness as a book. It has come forth shinning as Champion of all books. Against all odds, it has triumphed miraculously. No papal army, inquisition, confederacy, or devil could stamp it out. No fire of trial, or ordeal, has been able to quench its effectiveness.

  • Purified seven times


A continual living proof the word of God stands alone on the earth, in its completeness and entirety (seven means completion).

At the beginning of the Book we are warned not totamper with its contents, either adding or subtracting from it. In the middle of the Book we are warned again. At the end of the Book we are reminded again, with a consequence of what will happen to us if we do.

Are we really trembling at Gods word, or is it tickling our ears?

  • Thou shalt keep them, O Lord


Good news!! You don't have to go to the original Greek, or find the Hebrew root word, or to a bible college, or rely on a "qualified" scholar to find out what the Lord is saying, because Gods word is not lost! He has given you His word in English, in-the-here-and-now, based on a time when English was at its purest form, when the Lord was laying down a basis for a universal language. Yes! The Lord has kept His word, it is here in tangible form, without Heaven's censorship and without copyright!

If you go to man to find what God has got to say, he may tell you the lie the word of God has been lost, because the originals are all gone. In other words ... there's no guarantee; "we only have copies of copies of the originals, and from one interpretation to another we may have lost its original meaning along the way. That's why you need qualified people who have come out of seminary and may have something new about the originals, taught by their superiors, so they can help you understand what the scriptures were originally trying to convey."

Forget it. Get a relationship with the Lord and He will show you what the scriptures are saying. The Holy Spirit always agrees with the Word and will never act independently. The Word guarantees it. Even though you may have copies of copies from the original decayed scripts, do you think the Lord is not wise and trust worthy enough to have kept His word:

Though heaven and earth shall pass away, his words are here to stay!!

  • Thou shalt preserve them


As the early believers moved out after the genuine out pouring of the Holy Spirit in Antioch, taking with them the sacred scrolls and epistles (copies of copies), and the preaching of the gospel to other places as commanded, they would've no doubt had to reproduce other copies of scripture, in the fear of God, knowing the consequences of adding or subtracting. And so it has happened to this day. The original inspired meaning of what was written in the past, whether B.C. or A.D., cannot fail or fade away; it is still with us today, intact, and divinely preserved by God.

  • From this generation and forever


The line from this generation is for any generation of course, and is therefore always in the continual present tense. From now and forever, the word of God in written form ... pure, tried, purified, kept and preserved, so we can boldly hold our KJV in our hands and say "this is the word of God".

Could you do that with the New International, or Good News For Modern Man, or the New King James for that matter? No, only the Authorized King James Holy Bible!!

More on the preserved word:

Following is a response to a brother inquiring about the KJV's authenticity:

1. So what was the "true" bible before the KJV?

Both Tyndale and Wycliffe translated the bible into English before King James's day from the Received Text (the Textus Receptus, God's preserved New Testament in Greek), before they were both burnt at the stake by the Church for supplying the word of God to the common folk in the street. When James of Scotland became the first king of the new Great Britain, being a God fearing man (contrary of what we have been taught), and like myself encouraging relationship and accountability to God only, produced the first public bible for the man in the street, the Authorized Bible (also based on God's preserved Received Text).

Other bibles that were translated from the Received Text prior to the KJ were: Beza's 1604, Bishops 1568, Geneva 1560, Stephen's 1550, The Great Bible 1539, Matthew's 1537, Coverdale 1535, Luther's 1534 (not the corrupt Lutheran Bible of today), Tyndale's 1525 (as already mentioned), Erasmus 1522, and Wycliffe's 1382 (as already mentioned)..

2. Is English the only true word of God?

The 1611 KJV is God's word written in English (the universal language) for the world today, which has been translated into hundreds of other tongues reaching the four corners of the earth with the good news of our Saviour. Actually, on The Catena (my back page) and Links page, is a lot more info on this giving you reference to other good links. If you are really keen it would be beneficial to check them out.

Is a translation as good as the original?:

There once was a man who found a puzzle. He put the pieces together and they all fit quite well. A few years later some other men found pieces to the same puzzle, only they were made before the original man's pieces were made. In fact, many of the originals puzzle pieces were copies of the older pieces, but, like all copies, weren't quite as good as the original. Which puzzle is more correct, the older or the newer?

A translation cannot only be "as good" as the originals, but better in God's case:

  • 2 Sam. 3: 7-10:


So do God to Abner, and more also, except, as the LORD hath sworn to David, even so I do to him; To translate the kingdom from the house of Saul, and to set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba.

The translating of the kingdom of Israel (verse 10) from Ishbosheth to David was better than the original state.

  • Col. 1:13:


Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son ...

No one can argue our translated state from darkness to Christ is better than the original state we were in.

  • Heb. 11:5.


By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

Just the same, no one can argue Enoch was not in a better state when he was translated to be with His Lord forever. Remember also, his testimony before his translation still pleased God.

Likewise, when the Bride of Christ is translated it will be in a better state than what she is now, even though our present testimony my please the Lord.

In regards to 'copies' being inferior to the originals, once again, not in God's case:

Jeremiah 36 in regards to the roll he had written: In verse 23 it is destroyed thus ending the original - version 1 ...

Jer. 36:23. And it came to pass, that when Jehudi had read three or four leaves, he cut it with the penknife, and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth, until all the roll was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth.

Entree - version 2:

Jer. 36:32. Then took Jeremiah another roll, and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah; who wrote therein from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire: and there were added besides unto them many like words.

After being rewritten (re: v.32) the roll is destroyed yet again in chapter 51:63:

And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates ...

Then in chapters 45 - 51 a copy of version 2 reappears. So every bible written since these historic incidents is not only a translation but a copy of version 3 from version 2. Version 1 was destroyed and never found and therefore never copied. Which version is the most accurate? You will never find version 1 again (destroyed by fire), and version 3 is only a copy of version 2 (destroyed by water). This is where we have to trust God for what He says ... every word of God is pure ... tried ... preserved ... kept ... given by inspiration!!

Thus, as God does not put the emphasis on the originals neither should we. The Holy Bible is complete and sufficient.

Quite worshipping the paper and start worshipping God! Unfortunately, I can't remember the verse which says not to be consumed with meaningless genealogies, etc. In other words, don't get caught up being so worried about a few trees, when the whole forest is there. Sure, some of the new bible versions verge on heresy, but to say that the KJV is the only true word of God is almost humorous (see question 1). I read the NIV because it is written in plain, modern English (KJV was written in modern English too, when it was written). The NIV is also based on more reliable, older manuscripts, and based on a better understanding of the Hebrew and Greek documents. I would like to know a critical verse in my NIV which differs form KJV to the extent that one should consider invalid.

We may not like splitting hairs but God does to iron out the bugs:

Heb 4:12-13. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Did you see my comparison on the NIV on The Catena? Here is another one: The word of God says in John 3:16 Jesus is the only begotten Son of God (v18). Whereas the NIV says He is the only son of God. Which rules out sonship for you or me, as God only has one son if the NIV is to be regarded.

Hope these answers make some clarification and you find the time to dig.

Gold Line

The book that stands alone

Admitting and receiving the King James as Gods true copy was very difficult for myself. I'd always associated the thee's and thou's with Shakespearean literature, a hang-over from my old failed school days. Wagging (truancy), the drudge of English classes, and not liking anything I couldn't understand, especially the hymns and prayer at morning assembly. Rebel I did, until I met Christ at the age of twenty when my prejudices started to be dealt with. It wasn't long before some dear older saints, genuinely caring for my spiritual well being, handed me a Living Bible. I thought, as I started reading chapter after chapter; "Great!! Gods word in my own language!"

However, apart from finding myself confused by the columns full of counter opinions, and being distracted with the odd photo of a miniskirted Lass on comment pages, I still found myself reverting back to the old KJ when it came to memorising scripture. Why? Looking back I found the KJ verses somehow flowed more fluently, and appeared to carry a greater punch when witnessing. "Only if I knew then what I know now!" would be appropriate here I think!

But only a few months of my new found pilgrimage passed when the LB started to run out of clout, as I found myself hungering for something more meatier to put my teeth into.

A friend in the fellowship I was attending at this time introduced me to the New American Standard Version. His line was it was based on the original Greek, a line I bought at the time without checking it out for myself. This version became my bible for the next few years until I, by the grace of God, walked away from the Charismatic Movement and organised Christianity in general. From now on I found a greater freedom to think for myself.

For some time I still was using the Nasbie (NASB). Although I was always hearing from the Lord through revelation, my faith , to a large degree, was like a ship without a rudder. There appeared to be too many discrepancies in the scriptures along side the great conglomerate of modern versions, which I also used for reference points, along side other Christian book aids.

Were the scriptures really the word of God? How could I really rely on divine guidance if one: I was still following man, and two: I couldn't really trust scripture? Where was God's light to direct my path found? These were the questions which fuelled my inquiring mind.

However, a seed had been sown among my misconceptions about the KJV, (namely the preacher image mentioned earlier, which I had associated with this Book, along with the William Shakespeare stigma) prompting my thinking to re-examine the matter. A brother had shared with me how the modern translations suited many evangelical / Pentecostal Believers because Romans 8:1 stated:

"There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" and finished there. He also pointed out how it was more convenient to ignore the KJV as it went onto say ... who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. And of course there is always a condition when applying Gods word.

Because I could see it was easier to be entertained by the word than changed by it, what this brother pointed out stayed in the back of my mind.

After many months of pondering over these things I decided to go back to the beginning and make Jesus the basis of my search. After all, He was the one who had saved me, and it was His transforming grace I had experienced in my life. If He was our starting point, centrality, and finishing point, and our eyes were to be focused on Him continually, then He should be the one who He claimed to be through His written word. The question now ... where was His word to be found?

Only one real Jesus:

So one day as I was thinking upon these claims relating to His Divinity / Deity, the penny dropped. I could see how there were many Jesus' in the world. Some invented, some born with this name, especially in Roman Catholic countries, like being named after one of the so-called saints. There were also other people called Jesus in scripture, for instance, Bar-jesus (a Jewish false prophet), and Jesus called Justus (a brother in the Lord). Jesus was used instead of Joshua's name (both mean the same - 'one who saves') in Acts 7:45, only in the Authorized (mmmm!?). Also, scripture made reference about there being another Jesus.

However, Peter's conversion (as was mine, or any one else who is born again by the Spirit of God for that matter) was based upon the confession of the revelation Jesus, being the Son of the living God, was the Rock of our salvation.

In other words, there was only one rock, one foundation, to build our faith upon ... the confession Jesus was who He claimed to be. A claim no one else could make.

Thy word is truth:

It was not long after meditating upon these facts did I come to the conclusion the Bible I was using, namely the NASB, did not add up. The crunch came at 1st John 4: 2- 3, just after we are told to test the spirits in verse one: Verse two in the Nasbie:

"every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God".

This verse appeared correct and would easily satisfy any Believer, however verse three said:

"and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God".

This verse could no longer satisfy me and through conviction I was convinced it should have read Jesus Christ not just Jesus.

Which Jesus was it referring to. If the translators could justify omitting Christ here, then why not elsewhere in scripture?

I had to find out whether my inner hunch was true, so I opened my Parallel Bible along with a couple of other versions to this passage. One by one I couldn't find what I was looking for, and on purpose I left the King James to last. Instead of wanting to correct the King James, for the first time I was now prepared for the King James to correct me, if it could prove itself.

With my finger on the passage at 1st John, I looked up and said to the Lord in desperation, "Lord, You know I've almost run out of options and there is only one bible left for you to prove Yourself!?"

Then I looked down and with excitement and relief read ... every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God.

Not only had Christ (meaning the chosen anointed One) been included, but also is come in the flesh (meaning Jesus coming as both God and man, His divinity and humanity inseparable).

My doubts were dispersing ... could the King James Bible be God's word after all?

Gold Line

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul

My conversion to the true book began here, as confirmation after confirmation began to take place. However, because I felt very comfortable using my Nasbie, enjoyed and become very accustomed to its lay-out, especially its easy reference margins and footnotes, along with all my own added comments, I justified still reading from it as long as I used the KJV as my final back-up.

At the time all this was taking place, we were taking a weekly bible study at our home with a group of young people. I couldn't wait to share my latest revelation with them. However, to err on the side of caution I thought I would put this issue to the test and see if others could find the same conclusion themselves, without being intellectually persuaded from outside influences. So this particular week I split the house group up into small groups of three or four, with a different list of various comparisons for each group, comparing the KJV with modern translations. Then I choose a different room for each discussion group to use throughout our home. After about an hour or so, we all came back together in our lounge to share our conclusions openly. It was amazing what I heard. Not only did anyone try to refute or oppose the purpose of our study, but had many more interesting facts to add to the discussion list. Individual revelation after revelation was shared around the room as if everyone together were becoming convinced to the authenticity of the King James. Only the Spirit of God could do this, I thought to myself!

Last of all, I became the focal point in our lounge as everyone challenged me and made it quite clear they could not understand why I was still reading from the Nasbie instead of the King James?

From that night on the King James became the Bible of our home.

Some of the many changes or omissions:

Following are just a few words (but important ones) we found missing or changed in the Mods, proving the authorized King James bible is on track. For hundreds of other references exposed there are books available plus other web sites you can check out:

  • Lucifer Is. 14:12
  • Easter Acts 12:4.
  • Cut off Gal. 5:12. 2 Cor. 11:12. Rom. 11:22.
  • The Word 1 John 5:7
  • God of forces Dan. 11:38.
  • Slave Many references. Replacing the word servant endorsing compulsion to serve the Lord.

Gold Line

Lucifer - the counterfeit light

Lucifer is omitted in most modern translations and renamed Day Star. This is incredible as Lucifer is replaced with a reference to Jesus making them both one and the same. Can you see how the god of this age, Lucifer, corresponding with the Christ or the Spirit Jesus (the other Jesus mentioned in scripture), working through the lodges, other secret societies, eastern mysticism and the New Age Movement, paves the way for the Man of Sin to manifest himself. This is because the new versions are always gathering momentum as they digress into a universal one world bible, suiting all, except 'born again' bible believing fundamentalists. (Dum de dum dum!!) The Day Star, the Christ, the Jesus, the One these groups are referring to, is non other than anti-christ.

To have a clear understanding of this today, we first need to get away from the New World concept of the word anti. You see we have been conditioned, one way or another, into having a 'positive / negative' thought system entrenched into us. We have been subtlety programmed by the media, some places of employment, and the education system, into a buying / selling / pitch mode; thinking 'pros and cons', 'pluses and minus's. A form of opportunism ... "What's in it for me!?" Adding up the pluses hoping they out weigh the negatives, before we make a decision. Subconsciously, without considering whether it has any virtue or moral substance to its content. Nothing to do with consulting the Lord first, or finding His will. Nothing to do with the Kingdom of God. But everything to do with self-improvement, self-importance, marketing ploys and empire building.

So when we hear the word anti we automatically think upon it in terms of "being against". This keeps things clear-cut into two categories, like' good and evil', 'for and against', and as mentioned, 'positive and negative', and so forth. So we see things as either 'stark grotesque evil' or 'nice and attractive'.

But what if the Devil appeared as an angel of light and promoted light? Even goodness? This would put things in a totally different perspective. And this is precisely the meaning of his original name Lucifer ... bearer of light. An evil dark being called Satan, the Devil, masquerading behind the appearance of GOOD. Also, renaming his fallen darkened hosts in the new versions as demons (meaning lesser gods under himself, the chief god of this world) questioning the connection between Lucifer and devils (our arch-enemies), both only rendered in the KJV. Interesting eh!

This means we would have to be more cautious of what appears good than what appears evil, as evil would be much more obvious. Also, we would have to be aware at all times that what is 'good and perfect' comes directly from God, where as what is 'good and evil' is influenced from Satan, whether it comes directly from him, or indirectly.

Beware of the overly good:

Satan means one who opposes. Our enemy. Our opposition. But if Satan had of entered the Garden in a blatant threatening way; let's say undisguised, with a plundering army of caricatured angelic hoards, the first thing Adam and Eve would've done would've been to cry out to the Lord for help. Then no doubt Satan would've promptly found himself up against the multitude armies of Heaven.

But to be out in the open like this would mean blowing his cover. So through cunning and craft Satan needed to come under another guise, an appearance that could match the bona fide. A replacement, to take God's place. Which brings us back to the true original meaning of the word anti ... to replace, to substitute.

The Devil had to enter a physically up-right creature similar to man, like the Serpent, who was different from all other creatures, who could talk, have human like intelligence, and come as a replacement for the Lord walking in the cool of the day, seducing man through "good intentions".

Infiltration is the name of the game. Then divide and conquer. What better way than by using good and evil together. Always playing one off against the other. Then, appearing from the centre with the solution ... an excuse to offer the poison ... "Hath God said??" "Is God's word perfect??" "Can it be trusted??" "You need a higher opinion!!" "Another school of thought!!" "Another version of the truth!!"

So Eve took the bait and Adam whimpishly followed.

If the Devil can appear as an angel of light, then so too can his ministers appear as ministers of light. Over the recent years have we been hearing horror stories of people coming out of the closet, with their reports of child abuse at its worst, committed by people (in a lot of cases) who have appeared role models and pillars in the community. Even mass rapists and mass murderers have shocked us by their well presented, well mannered, well educated aura, being the least expected in the community to commit such crimes. Not to mention well meaning devoted people in society, whether in humanistic or religious roles, promoting the good and well being of mankind. Sadly, outside the word of God, without nor offering eternal security or assurance. Because outside of Christ the scriptures say our righteousness is as filthy rags. Even sincerity or good intentions is not enough.

The issue therefore is ... What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?

We can either ignore Him in our good deeds and acts of human kindness, or we can fall on our face and call out to Him, realising ... the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.

There are many nuns and humanitarians who excel and are devoted to good, but the Lord without guile (meaning, possessing no ulterior agendas) weighs the motives. We mustn't say anything negative about saintly people, while Mother Teresa would let Hindus die as Hindus without eternal security and pray to the Queen of heaven, and Princess Di had no hesitation contacting clairvoyance's or intruding into someone's marriage. Then again, even ... the plowing of the wicked, is sin. Which means, a man going about his business not hurting anyone is still considered sin by God, when he is not honouring or acknowledging God through His Son, in his affairs. Incredible, but true!

The great tragedy is multitudes will buy into this end time lie; a replacement for God, a substitute for the Son of God, an anti-christ, and be snared . Because it will appear good, plausible, and beneficial for all mankind.

Which brings us to the"Man of Peace", clothed in white, ruling from the City built on seven hills, in a palace adorned in scarlet and gold, promoting unity of all nations and all religions, riding on the emerging Beast of the New Europe ... the Pope of Rome himself. For upon his mitre above his forehead is written in latin (and adding up to 666), translated ... "substitute for the Son of God". Anti-christ in other words.

The written word of God makes a distinction ... Lucifer, the pseudo light, or Jesus, the true light! Remove Lucifer, and you remove a very vital link in scripture, while the Beast walks in.

Separation - a principle of God:

Separation has always been the will of God and is always His first principle: As it was in the beginning; light from darkness, day from night, so it is today. As it was with Abraham and Israel, coming out to be a people unto God, so it is with us also. By consecrating Christ in our hearts are we separating ourselves from the world and living in the kingdom of God, now, present tense.

Now by separation we are not referring to 'segregation'; the monastery scenario. Please don't confuse the two. One is a spiritual separation ... consecration, circumcision of the heart. The other a geographical / physical avoidance of anything you don't agree with ... breeding sectarianism. In the world, but not of it, is God's way. The religious way is finding your niche in a religious club called a church, or a denomination, cosily tucked away from the lures of the world, to be nurtured and spoiled inside a "spiritual" hothouse. Biblical separation is a heart thing. Keeping the world, along with its frolics, out of our lives, by setting our affections on the eternal things above, where Christ lives.

As a people in general (meaning the functioning Body of Christ on earth, or in a local setting) we also have an everyday responsibility ... and that is to keep aloof from every "spiritual" brat, loafer, and any opportunist who may hide behind the gospel. This may mean giving things 'the chop' treatment. Unfortunately, there are times when we have to apply 1st Corinthians chapter five and ask some folk to pack their bags. This is because God does not tolerate sin within the (wilderness) camp. The sin God appears to detest the most is not the sin "self righteous" you or me, or Mr / Mzzz Do Gooder would frown upon, from smoking to lusting that is. The worst type of sin God hates is how we use truth to manipulate others. The domineering control thing. What we are putting others under. And this is where the modern versions pull the plug:

In the book of Galatians Paul comes down very strong on those who go out of their way to bring God's people back under the religious yoke of bondage. Sure its okay to have our own theories and doctrinal extremes we keep to ourselves, during transitional adjustment times, like when we are sorting out the junk from the truth. Isn't this called growing in grace? The danger is however, when filthy pride gets in the way and we can't admit we're wrong. Or when we have a point to prove. This is where any one of us can succumb to law and become its minister, lording it over others, being unteachable, and forgetting all about grace.

Here in Galatians 5:12 Paul has this to say: I would they were even cut off which trouble you.

Now if you happen to be reading down this passage in its right context you shouldn't have much difficulty in knowing what Paul was referring to. Especially if you have no problem in understanding a principle in God. His first principle in scripture. The principle of separation. Which is all to do with God being a holy God, who shuns sin in any shape or form, especially the one of putting others under a yoke. Paul wished these trouble making "control freaks" to be cut off. That is; separated from the flock of God, so his brethren would be hassled no more. Fair enough!?

  • Now what does the Nasbie say in regards to these law makers being cut off in Gal. 5:12 ... that they would mutilate themselves!


Now isn't that amazing!? Here is a book masquerading as God's word saying a man of God would wish someone to mutilate themselves. No wonder Dr. Frank Logsdon co-founder of the NASB has renounced every attachment to this book.

  • Modern Language Version ... that they would make themselves into eunuchs! You know what that means! Incredible eh!?
  • Revived Standard Version ... mutilate!
  • Good News For Modern Man ... here it is ... castrate themselves! These books are getting sicker!


Biblical consecration comes by setting your affections on Christ, not by castrating yourself, or any other method of flagellation or penance. Is it surprising the source of these books go way back to a revisionist called Origin.

Gold Line

The Alexandrian Cult

The Alexandrian Cult is basically the justification of correcting the Word, instead of the Word correcting us. Unlike the Bereans ... in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Origin was a scholar from the second to largest city called Alexandra, in the then known world, the academic / scholarly centre of the world. Because he believed in universal salvation and Jesus was a created being (just like most modernists and cultists do), he thought he would correct God's word to conform to his own beliefs. One belief was trying to achieve holiness by castrating himself, which match his off-spring (as previously mentioned) ... modern versions!

Throughout history like minded scholars and scribes have based their opinions on his corrupt manuscripts, and have used them (instead of winning people to Christ) to correct the biblical scripts, and re-educate their Students with their watered down distorted theology. This of course justifies their position and rank as paid professionals, allowing them to exist in a comfortable, paid, livelihood.

So to really understand your Bible, you have to unwittingly come under the Alexandrian spirit by using these so-called experts to interpret for you, instead of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, who leads us into all truth.

Or you could go further by going to Bible College to learn their garb. In turn, you too could reach their status, and be trained in how to destroy peoples faith in God's word. Then your students in turn, as your predecessors, could become an authority like yourself (instead of God's final authority the Bible), professionally employed, with titles before and after their name.

This is the vicious-circle of seminary known as the Alexandrian Cult. Looking to men with credentials, because Jesus' word doesn't appear to be qualified enough.

Look, I know there are some sincere institutions around, where the motive of sincere men is to train up others in defending Gods word! But when it comes to abusing your position to led others astray, God has some very harsh things to say ...

... it were better for him like a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

The same judgement likened unto Babylon.

God's answer: These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of him (Christ) abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you ...

Because the Holy Bible is not of any private (institutional) interpretation.

Which spirit are you subject to? Berean or Alexandrian?

Jer. 8:8 ... the pen of the scribes is in vain.

Can we make an idol of our Bible:

No, I am not a fanatic!! I do not sleep with my King James, nor will I be buried with my own KJV when I die! I might use it as a doorstop or a glue weight, when there is nothing else around that's handy. And I would not be scared to dump or incinerate one when it got too old and tatty. If people go over board here (as people will always tend to do in any area of faith) then it is not my problem but theirs. It is also not God's problem. It's not the material fabric (the pages or the books cover) we follow, but the words which are spirit, and they are life. So please read on:

A common accusation against King James bible people is they have become so caught up in one book by God, they have become idolaters because they actually worship the King James instead of God. A scripture they might quote here is John 5:39:

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

In other words, "you're too caught up in the Book but not the Person!"

Now doesn't that sound koool!!! The very reason they say we are caught up in the Book is the very same reason we are caught up by the Person Christ Jesus our Lord, who wrote the Book in the first place so He could say:

... they (that's the scriptures contained in the Book) are they which testify of me.

You want to know Jesus, then you need to know the Book! Want a relationship with God, then be confident, without wavering, in the Book you are reading. There's no alternative folks!

Also, the people who Jesus were speaking to here had the same problem as Catholics, Judaizers, and all Religionists have today; they were putting the word of God on a par with their tradition or culture, which of course cancels out the word, as the word of God stands alone. I think Matthew 22:29 is appropriate here:

Yea do err, not knowing the scriptures.

In regards to worshipping the word, or elevating it to some place of importance it doesn't deserve, as some would put it, let's allow the word to speak for itself:

Acts 13:48 ... when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord.

I thought we were only supposed to glorify Jesus? But scripture reveals they are one and the same.

Again, 2nd. Thessalonians 3:1 ... that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified.

But the excuses keep coming:

"The star only pointed to Jesus. So if the wise men had worshipped the star instead of finding Jesus, they would've missed the mark. Therefore, let us use scripture to find Jesus and not worship scripture!"

Wow, sounds awesome this time!! Choooice Man!! The RP agrees with the first point but not the second. The Star was not our daily bread, nor was it our rock to build our faith on, nor is it the Christian's guide as:

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Many follow stars today whether they be horoscopes, movie "stars", sport "stars", or rock "stars". Some sadly even try to hitch-hike a ride behind a comet with tragic consequences. All these things the bible plainly warns against. Also, man spends billions on technology while millions starve, thinking he can reach the stars and find life's answers. But Jesus through the scriptures says:

I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

And this has nothing to do with thanking your lucky stars or knowing your 'Sign'! Live by the "stars" and you will end up like them, perverse and bound. Jesus said:

... if ye continue in my word,then are ye my disciples (followers) indeed ...

Stars, whether they be great people or popular personalities, mystical powers or heavenly phenomenon's, are corruptible! But Bible Believers have been born again by the incorruptible word of God.

Also, notice how scripture gives such pre-eminence to the scriptures:

  • Romans 4:3. For what saith the scripture (in regards to Abraham)?
  • Romans 9:7 ... the scripture saith unto Pharaoh.
  • Romans 11:2 ... the scripture saith of Elias?


They don't say, "the Lord saith!" No, the scripture saith!!

  • Galatians 3:8 ... the scripture foreseeing that God would.


Can scripture look into the future?

  • Galatians 3:22 ... the scripture hath concluded all under sin".


Can scripture think? Can scripture make judgements? Sounds like final authority to me!

Doesn't the scripture have a ring to it; like a person, like divinity? With breath, with spirit, as well as authority? How many more facts do we need?

  • The scripture is holy (2 Timothy 3:15), meaning pure, without blemish or corruption.
  • Of truth ( Daniel 10:21), meaning true, without error or mistake. Infallible.


The scripture that is!! Scripture!! Is making factual scriptural statements like this worship or idolatry?

God's divine imprint:

In addition, Psalm 119 is the largest chapter in the bible containing 176 verses, and every verse except three, refer directly to the word of God. Let's look at the first seven verses for instance (remembering seven means completion) where these words are used over and over again throughout the Psalm:

1. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.

2. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

3. They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways.

4. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently.

5. O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!

6. Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy commandments.

7. I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgements.

All the above words emphasised are different variations for the word of God with the purpose of making different statements in regards to the word. As I write this I have just discovered (apart from using the term 'thy word' speaking for itself, plus the three verses mentioned along with another verse rendering 'ordinance' for the word) the seven words are used in every other verse throughout the Psalm. Some of the New Age versions use different wording thereby missing out on this divine in-built pattern. Lets take a closer look at the seven colours of this rainbow feature, regarding the word:

1. The law of the Lord

God's established rule, guidelines to live by ... the word of God. Opposite to anarchy and lawlessness; being a lord unto yourself.

2. His testimonies

The declaration of His wonders ... the word of God. Not what is established by a 'big bang', or fate, or luck, or coincidence, or make- do. No room for reincarnation or evolution theories here.

3. His ways (or way, singular)

His purposes and direction, sure and steadfast ... the word of God. Opposite to confusion, the 'two (so-called) schools of thought', 'higher opinion' syndrome.

4. Thy precepts

His advise to practise ... the word of God. Opposite to philosophy - the pursuit or study of human wisdom. Building concepts on theories. Man generalising because he has no absolutes to go by.

5. Thy statutes

The record of God's established law ... the word of God. We are not left high and dry. It is not a matter of interpretation, as self / private interpretation has already been abandoned. We can hold it in our hand ... as Moses did with the tablets, as Jeremiah did with the roll, as Ezekiel did with the roll, as Timothy did with the parchments, as Thomas did with the Word of Life. A tangible record. A book.

6. Thy commandments

His concrete decree ... the word of God. Opposite to licence, relativity, and expedience.

7. Thy judgements

Just and balanced discernment ... the word of God. Opposite to being out of context, not rightly dividing the word of truth. Nor presuming or assuming. Appliable. Something that can be practised (by being a doer of the word).

Off course the above pattern throughout Psalm 119 would not have been planned by the Psalmist as he penned these words of expression, but proves they were divinely inspired, confirming the perfection of scripture.

The word - higher than His Name:

Last of all we must consider this very important scripture:

Ps. 138:2 ... thou hast magnified they word above all thy name.

Get this: God has made His word above the name of Jesus! If you read the above verse in most modern translations you will miss the point completely (and know doubt it's deliberately rendered so). For they read:

RSV ... "thou hast exalted above everything thy name and thy word". emphasis mine) Changing the meaning completely; the word and name being equal.

NASB ... "Thou hast magnified Thy word according to all They name." (emphasis mine) Again changing the meaning completely; the Lord's name put above His word this time. Reversed roles.

And why has the Lord magnified His word above His name?:

You see many armies have gone out in God's name pillaging, raping and maiming. But has it been scriptural? Many prophets have prophesied many strange off-beat things in Gods name. But has God told them to? Think of the many 'weird and wonderful' things done in Jesus name today, without a scriptural basis ... ???

Jer. 27:15. For I have not sent them, saith the LORD, yet they prophesy a lie in my name ...

Get the drift!! What is done in Jesus' name, must line up with scripture first, or else it's not of God. The name of Jesus is very important, but it is not enough, it must be backed up by the Holy Book.

In regards to the accusation of worshipping the Book, it must be mentioned the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is the most precious and exalted name there is, and is the only name by which man can be saved. Praise God He has told us so by His word. Because God has made His word His final back-up in everything that pertains to life, faith, and practice. Therefore, we cannot help but exalt, magnify, glorify, and elevate the word of God, as contained in the scriptures within the pages of a book called the Holy Bible, to a place of prominence and pre-eminence in everything we do ...

... that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified.

Gold Line

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