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![]() Luke 21:35 |
Snared In the verse before Luke 21:35 Jesus says: take heed to yourselves ... so that day come upon you unawares. Jesus spoke about a day sneaking-up, and catching the world unawares, whereby the whole world would be taken-in and trapped by a spiritual delusion. In other words, He spoke of a global period in time when every individual in the world's system would become so spiritually and socially entwined to a spiralling, downward, spiritual trend, to the extent they were unable to break free and release themselves; ending in the enslavement of every man, woman, and child, upon our planet: ... that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev. 13:17. How would this trend occur? How could it become possible? To seduce, if it were possible, even the elect? The answer is found in the middle of Luke 21:34: Because mans heart would become overcharged with surfeiting (glut, excess), and drunkenness, and the cares of this life. Placing his preoccupation with the love of life, pleasure, and ease, above the love of truth; thereby giving himself over to a deceiving spirit at the end of the age; conditioning mankind to receive the mark, the name, and the number of Anti-Christ. By reading letters to the editor in our newspapers, and listening to talk-back shows on national radio, it is becoming apparent to a lot of people, something sinister is besetting our once beautiful country New Zealand. I even heard a well known talk-back host make remarks the other day how he is now convinced evil people, with their hidden agendas, have infiltrated our education system and bureaucracies, with the motive of lining their own pockets; and how politicians are now passing laws to suit themselves, not in the best interests of our nation. He went on to ask a question: "What were we Kiwis doing twenty years ago when all these new laws were starting to be passed in parliament? Oh yes ... away fishing and having a beer!" But now people are beginning to wake up. Many folk are aware something mischievous is now manifesting in our society. Many are perplexed and unable to put their finger on what is happening to their community, their country, and the world in general. Unfortunately, it is now too late! The dye has been set! The net has been cast! The threshold is upon us! The clock cannot be turned back ... unless their is total national remorse for sin and repentance towards God. However, scripture does not talk about whole countries turning to God in the last days, but a great falling away, resulting in a the snaring of all the habitants of the earth, with the exception of Jesus' little flock called-out, the remnant church, who place their faith completely in His word. |
Controlled Democracy Pr. 11:1. A false balance is abomination to the LORD: Their are so many opposing opinions and arguments out there. Many people are indifferent towards having change forced on them, as if they have had their will to fight knocked out of them. Some others are vocal and are not afraid to voice their views, and in many cases zeroing in on the true facts, unaware they too, indiscriminately, are going with the flow and are still a product of social engineering. I'm sure if at least some of them could see that Jesus was the answer, they would turn. Both lobby groups and mainstream bureaucrats have their roles to play. For it is as if an invisible voice is allowing opposing stances in public and official arenas to be at loggerheads with each other, over exaggerating their views to cause more confusion and conflict, promoting or capitalising on red-hearings and non-issues, so the main issues become obscured behind accelerated reform. It's a balancing act all the way. True facts are over emphasised, along with strong counter arguments, without one side of the spectrum allowed to out right dominate and stamp out the other. The game must be kept alive. This allows overriding opposition to be sapped up or misdirected, so camouflaged planned agendas are punched through the centre, with little protest from the masses. Let's not be fooled by democratic rule ... with people being allowed to state their case, or push for rights; even religious rights. These things sound good, but unless the house is built on the foundations of righteousness and integrity of the heart, it is but shifting sand. Ps. 85:10. Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Sadly, most people want peace, but how many people want righteousness? Most people want mercy, but put up your hand if you want truth? Most people want prosperity and blessing, but how many people really want to call out to a holy God? The two must always be married! You can't have one without the other! In general, mankind does not want God's remedy, namely the cross. For it is foolishness to him. Because man looks for his own remedy God hands him over to the Devil's "medicine" ... delusion, where man would in the end, become entrenched by the Devils endtime internment camp. So what is this delusion man would succumb to? It would have to be attractive! It would have to be alluring! The lie of course is based on what the Serpent originally said to Eve ... ye shall be as gods. In other words, you will achieve your own goals by displacing God in the centre, replacing Him with yourself in the centre; " You will become masters of your own destiny". This lie comes masqueraded today as the New Age Movement, where man will discover by looking into himself; the answer, the wisdom, and the energy, to create the new utopia for the new millennium. The scriptures paint a different picture however, of serfdom and destruction. Order (so-called) out of chaos The god Phoenix is the great mystical bird who fell to earth to be burnt and then rise again from the ashes, introducing a brand new order out of the chaos of the old. This symbolises (in mystical and occultic circles) Lucifer's fall from heaven, to instigate rebellion, anarchy, and destruction against the established order, with the purpose of creating an alternative, with him rising again to reign supreme. This new "solution" could come about by war and open conflict. Or it could come about by subtlety, stealth and craft, from either the left or the right, dressed in friendly diplomatic disguise. The head of this great bird (looking to the left or the right, eastward or westward) symbolising by its directional glare (strength, wisdom, and vision) which opportune side it would conquer from to achieve its goal. Concentrating on the left, centre, or right are optional and expedient; as long as you can keep your victim removed from his loyalty base (the foundation of past values). Capitalise on opposites and extremes, such as good and evil, so you can play one off against the other, providing a new "valued" solution. This would mean infiltration, subversion, control and conquest from within. The 'fifth columnist' element ('one world' insiders ... fabians, high masons, high cabbalists, circles within circles, the illuminati, etc.) Changing individual thinking to mass collective conformity. The end justifies the means. Ancient Babylon hijacked Israel, Rome hijacked the Church, and today the god of this age (the Devil, Satan) through the spirit of the New Age Movement, is attempting to hijack the 1,000 year reign of Christ on planet earth. However, according to biblical prophecy, will only be semi-successful for three and a half years. What is this Movement The New Age Movement is the occult marketed under a modern, even "scientific" trendy guise, to be relevant to the 90's, mandatory in the New Millennium, promoting the goddess (Gaia) by masking fallen Lucifer, presenting him as "the all in all". This movement has made major inroads into post-Christian western civilisation by capturing the minds of "good" "well intended" victims. It 's chemistry; a mixture of the ancient crafts (paganism), Eastern Mysticism, Modern Judaism, Apostate Christianity, psychology, holistic health, and corrupted science. Its aim ... an attractive alternative to cold, structured, traditional politics and religion. A burying of the past 2000 years of "failed" Christianity, and the introduction of a better replacement world religion. |
What is a New Ager (by so-called conversion) Someone who has had an "initiation" experience, or "attitude" change through yoga, transcendental meditation, visualisation, hypnotism, trance, the martial arts, a visiting spirit (through participating in a seance, or an occultic game), divination, astral projection, norseology, alien encounter, weird computer games, witchcraft, joining a secret society / lodge, or sitting under a yogi, guru, sage, etc. The more you give yourself over, the more "spiritually enlightened" (illuminated) you become. The Bible calls this ... giving yourself over to delusion. As the pop song I heard recently on the radio goes:
The initiation is of course is a satanic infiling of deceiving / seducing evil spirits. Disguised to look normal, "getting with it", scientific, healthy, and appropriate for the age we live in. Brainwashed And how does one become a New Ager? By slow, mind manipulation; through the influence of key infiltrated agencies, such as the mass media, teaching institutions, alternative cultures like; new lifestyles, music, the arts, health and fitness programmes, and the like. As more of the population abandons its traditional roots, the more vulnerable it becomes to the New Age propaganda / promotional machine. You could say it is global indoctrination. A spiritual take over. Even a conspiracy? Yes! Manufactured in the heart of the devil himself. Say ye not, A confederacy Today, it is so easy to blame everything onto a world conspiracy, as new national laws, and by-laws are being passed as quick as working a 'scratch and win'. Especially when laws and acts that are now passed have nothing to do with protecting the individual in society, but to control him. Also, nothing to do with protecting your country's sovereignty, but to force it to go Global and be ruled from the outside. Makes one think there is a deliberate plot! According to the Holy Book there is a plot, and the Devil is the one who is instigating it. However, most people who are skipping merrily (or despondently) to its "happy" tune, are not doing so deliberately, through acts of anarchism, but because they have been sincerely deceived by benefit 'tag-ons' like ... Better service! More efficiency! Faster results! Gratification now! Instant answers! Cheaper goods! Discounts! Added merits (watch for more rewarding systems to come in place)! Point scoring! Less work more play! Consumer friendly! ... and so on. Have you ever been called a "conspiracy nutter"? Just as easy as it was to to cry "Red under the bed" during the U.S. McCarthey era in the early 50's, so it is in this age of confusion ... "The Masons are behind it!!" "It's a Jesuit plot!!" "They're out to get us!!" They probably are! Then again they might not be ... in some cases! For this is the very purpose of creating confusion. Why cry "wolf" all the time when we do not have any evidence there is a wolf. Just an implanted paranoia. Satan is a master of putting up smokescreens and pulling the wool over our eyes. Yes, we know things aint as they appear, but why take pot shots in the dark when we may not have been granted discernment, or received a word from Above. And some innocent Ignoranto gets burnt in the process. First, we must be aware there is a war. A spiritual war, which has already been won two thousand years ago, at the cross. It's just a matter of walking in the Spirit daily, reminding ourselves, and the Devil, he is a defeated foe and been rendered useless on the grounds of what the scriptures say in reference to the cross ... it is finished! This is all part and parcel of what is called walking in the Spirit. Being lead by the Spirit. Being an overcomer. The Kingdom is among you Therefore, remember it is now a spiritual war: Eph 6:12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood ... We are not fighting people or institutions. Many groups are taking up petitions, or even arms, to fight the System. Some are trying to use force through aggressive legislating. Problem is, what are they going to replace it with? Unless God's blessing is on a country it will never prosper in peace. God has not called us to reform, or christianise the System, let alone use violence (this is fallen man's way and totally contrary to scripture), but to take up the great commission (salvation through Christ) and win individual souls to the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom! His Kingdom ... that's where God is at! And where He wants His kids living in the here and now, continually ... beyond politics, religion, protestantism, evangelicalism, and every other "ism". No, this is nothing to do with Kingdom Now Theology (Reconstructionism). Meaning: Jesus will come back to earth when we have been good, loyal, theological bullies, and forcefully (just like their New Agers counterparts) taking the world by storm for Him, through infiltrating its social structures, changing its policies, smacking sinners hands, and handing a revived world back to Jesus. Just like we were giving the Lord a Christmas present. Not entangled with the worlds affairs The truth is we can't change anything. Unless the heart is changed (and only the Lord can do that), any change is only cosmetic. Degeneration will only take another course. Sin is deceitful and will only take on another form. Kiwi's will remember the Homosexual Reform Bill in the mid-eighties! The largest petition signed in the history of New Zealand. What did it change? Absolutely nothing!! The malignant growth keeps on infesting. So much for majority rule ... democracy! If the Lord has handed a nation over to degradation, there is absolutely nothing any one can do about it in the natural realm. Ironically, we could even end up fighting against the Lord Himself if we committed all our energies into crusading against it. The Lord has not called as to be "Moralists". That would mean we would have to force our morals on people. Leave that to the so-called Moral Majority. He has not called us to be "good citizens", but to be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world ... Not "do gooders", but lights! Not campaigners, but salt! Not "making a stand", but walking in the Spirit! Not taking up the high moral ground, but taking up the cross! Just the same way we are not pushes or peddlers crusading our pet theme, or joining some crowd on their hobby horse. We are only Jesus followers. If we let Christ live through us, we become like Him, and His moral law is fulfilled within us. This way we become living letters. Easily read as our life matches our mouth. The scripture these militant movements base their theology / ideology on is Matthew 11:12 taken out of context: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Meaning in some cases (contradicting other scripture) ... taking up arms? You don't have to get a university degree to know there is something drastically wrong about the System, with Governments betraying their citizens by selling their countries down the proverbial gurgler, lying through the back of their teeth, eyeball to camera lens. So what!! We must remember these are unregenerate people, lead and manipulated by the prince of this world world, who is a liar from the beginning. Not of this world although in it Now their are even some concerned groups forming private armies and armed militia, training and stashing arms to overthrow the present establishment, and even waving the bible as their banner. This has given the world an excuse to brand all bible believing Christians as right wing subversives. Obviously they have not read the bible which tells us explicitly not to use human methods to fight: 2 Cor. 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds ... Mat. 26:52 ... for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Yes, we are called to battle (spiritually speaking). To put on the full armour of God. To contend for the faith. To fight the good fight. To ever be on the alert. Not to sleep . Always sober. And to be fully aware of our enemy and his schemes: 2 Cor. 2:11. Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. Our fight is against the spiritual forces of darkness, with the attitude (least we end up fighting in the flesh) ... the battle is the LORD's. Man basically wants to do what is right (even though his motives are usually not all together pure) and he "genuinely" wants answers. And this is where we as pilgrims, as sojourners, as temporary visitors, need to be as wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. This is why Jesus had this advise to the military of His day ... Do violence to no man. There are wolves out there. And plotters and manipulators, who have a sinister sting to issue at the other end of the New Age Rainbow. But usually the majority of people, whether in our place of work, or governmental departments, aint deliberately scheming to erode our freedoms, or give the Devil a pat on the back. They sincerely want peace on earth. Remember, they are in the same boat we were once in; blinded and confused. This is why we are to pray for those in authority, and to be at peace with all men. Which means we should not add to the present confusion by always being conspiracy centred. A conspiracy complex could create panic and replace faith, ultimately destroying our witness. Let's take on the forces of darkness by exposing their methods and plan, in the Name of the Lord. Firstly: 1 Tim. 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: The old dangling the carrot on the stick trick ... covetousness! Basically if you want mans attention you make something look good (appealing to the "old" lust of the eyes). And money is the commodity to get you there. Tell him it's his rights (this feeds the ego) and he'll find a way to justify it. Then ... you have just bought him off. You are now controlling him. Just as it was in the Garden with the 'fruit bloop'. Ex. 23:8. And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous. Secondly: You must retain him: "Follow me, and nothing will be impossible for you." "You can be as gods, knowing good and evil" "Listen to your heart" "The answer is within" "Have a good positive mental attitude" "My solution and the earth are one! It's just a matter of 'you' looking within and discovering a higher consciousness, reaching a higher plain." This conspiracy was from the Serpent (not Adam), to snare and enslave. Man just believed the lie, and was trapped by it. There are some people in high places who have intentionally given themselves over in aiding the Devil in his conspiracy. They have been promised a big slice of the pie and are plotting hand in hand with the Devil to control the world. They can't see they are pawns in his hand, and will ultimately be destroyed by him in the end. However, they do look down on us common "peasants" (the general populace) as their pawns. For they generally believe they are the elect, the illuminated ones. Superior because of the power they wield through finance, and the insight they have. Others under them are skipping to their tune for benefits too, but genuinely believe it is for the benefit of all mankind, even though they have to carry out their plans under a cloak of secrecy, and lie all the way to the bank (in a small neutral nation). God in the inside (The lie that brings a snare): God is in you, in nature, the earth, the universe, the cosmos, everything. "He" (or "It") is just a life force, an energy, an all encompassing perpetual circle. Something to use, to attain higher consciousness with. To get "into the flow" with. And how do we to find "it" (God that is)? By looking inward, taking on (believing) this thought system, letting it embrace you. (Biblically speaking, we are talking about spiritual possession here, counterfeit rebirth.) The more earth conscious you become, the more enlightened (taken over) you become. Once upon a time it was called 'self-centredness' or 'selfishness'. Now it's considered "Kool"! "Having high self-esteem"! "A good self-image"! "A positive self-outlook"! "Getting a vision"! "Mental awareness"! "Loving thyself"! When it comes to responsibility, like being God conscious, we are encouraged to meditate (intensely concentrate) on something irrelevant to the situation, from a flower to chanting a secret mantra, with the purpose of emptying out our minds so that we can reach a neutral unconscious state. In other words; handing sovereignty of our spirit over to another influence ... a feeling in the twilight zone. This removes our guilt (supposed stress) by desensitizing our senses. It's amazing what vain repetition can do! When it comes to "not measuring up", you can blame circumstances, the government, the environment, your teacher, your up-bringing, your parents. An ideally packaged way of making a cop-out. With the blessing and the assistance of the "excuse" industry, the "victim" industry, the "counselling" industry. The system pampering you all the way home. God on the outside (The truth that sets us free): The Lord God reigning as the Almighty, King of kings, Prince of princes, Lord of lords, from His Throne Room in the sanctuary of the Heaven of heavens, at the sides of the north, beyond the universe. Man, puny man, separated and alienated from God, isolated on this tiny planet called earth. Jesus comes and bridges the gap by His finished work on the cross. Now individuals can respond to the living external God by calling out to Him, where He will come with His kingdom and set-up-home, in the humble heart of a believer. And how do we retain this new experience? By consistently looking up and outward to where Christ dwells, enthroned in the Heaven of the heavens. Key ... abide in Him, and He will come and abide in you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Because we realize, as mere mortals, we do not measure up, we repent and get on with the job. We now have the conviction we are responsible for our own choices and actions. For we have Jesus to compare ourselves with. No excuse or self-pity trips here. Snatched out of the snare of the fowler: John. 12:32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. Sounds exhilarate doesn't it? However, Jesus was actually referring to something so
humiliating and degrading. Like after crawling through the dust and a The Bibles portrayal: Is. 52:14. As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men ... The religionists portrayal: The "Jesus" trip. Whippy do!! Popularity, trendyness, and prestige: Give us a "J" give us an "e" give us an "s" give us a "u" give us an "s"!! Yeah!! Now for a clap offering unto the Lord!! With a happy clappy thrown in ... Lift Jesus higher, lift Jesus higher, lift Him up for the world to see ... How the world's Jesus is popular and cool, and a (socially) liberating hero to be welcomed by all. A role model. A superstar. The rallying image for the "celebration". The "glory" time. The Jesus 'without' the cross, or at lease ... the pathetic, artistically portrayed 'loinclothed' effeminate. Identifying with our failure. The one who fits into our concepts. The one who appeases our sentiment. The one who is filled with the milk of human kindness ... towards our indiscrepancies, our misfunctions, our misjudgements, and our misgivings. Yuk!! ... The Lord said He will actually spew us out of His mouth because we were not prepared to drink from His cup. Jesus said you are either for Him or against Him. Up until now it has been rather easy going sitting on the fence in our cosy neutral state. The scriptural Jesus has been mixed with the false fad "Jesus" of the world, letting multitudes off the hook. However, the sword of God's word is about to fall and make a radical distinction between which Christ we serve; the One who sets people free from rebellion and sin, or the gooey Replacement who brings a snare. While the world skips merrily to the tune of the rosy Pied Piper, the Lord is snatching individuals out of the present darkness and deception of this world system, to be set free indeed by the truth of His word. Very soon (and we mean soon!!) ... we're outta here!! |
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