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If you are being introduced to this Update for the first time and haven't got time to read, or find it is just not your cup-of-tea, please go to the end of this letter to "unsubscribe". To the faithful and inquisitive ... please read on: Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. Titus 1:14. |
Intro The Old testament was written in Hebrew for the chosen Jewish nation. The New Testament was written in Greek where the partition between Jew's and Gentiles was broken down so we could all become one new man in Christ. This following two part article is written in response to the many people who have e-mailed me trying to persuade myself over to the Hebrew Roots Camp. Generally I have found these people to be varied in their opinions in regards to doctrine; some moderate (still believing in the Trinity) and others in complete heresy (omitting the name Jesus Christ from their faith). The majority of these sincere people have used the gentle diplomatic approach in their argument to win us across, where others have been aggressive, and down-right rude and abusive. On all occasions have I found them very persistent, rabbinic centred, and usually attacking the sacred name of our Lord Jesus Christ one way or another. Update 7 is a simplified way of exposing their Hebrew Roots Movement and how believers have been seduced away from the New Testament written in Greek (the universal language of the day) and providentially translated into English (the universal language for the closing hours). This is followed-up by Update 8, which is more of an in-depth study exposing the sources and occultic connections to this Movement, which is no doubt part of the Great Falling Away delusion of the final hour, even more subtle and dangerous than the false Signs and Wonders Movement, the Word of Faith Movement, and Dominion Theology. Unlike its Gentile counterpart the Alexandrian School of Thought, which throws doubt on finding the right source of the Greek, giving it's Scholars the final authority in interpretation, the H.R. Movement has been successful in discrediting the Greek New Testament and replacing it with the so-called Hebrew / Aramaic originals. This places the final authority in regards to interpreting scripture in the hands of it's rabbinic teachers. Once achieved, then the sacred name of our Lord Jesus Christ comes under scrutiny: Pure language for a pure name During the last hours of these last days (when English would be the universal language of the world) the Lord in His manifold wisdom has chosen this language to represent His Word, to be written as the plain, simple, uncloistered and easily comprehended words of His gospel to the world at all levels of class and culture. God foresaw this language would be the 'world language' in the closing hours, presenting His pure, preserved and inerrant autograph with the message ... whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Zep. 3:9. For then will I turn to the people a pure language (Elizabethan period English), that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. Just as the Lord choose a Gentile (universal) language for His word at the opening of the church age, would He choose a Gentile (universal) language at the closing of the church age. This of course would be English (and as I'm not English, I'm not being biased). This is nothing to do with race superiority but to do with God being a sovereign God Who calls the shots. He could not choose the present form of English as a base because it has lost its purity (virtue) of moral absolutes, unlike when it was at it's purest in 1611. Again, this was nothing to do with English being a superior or perfect language, but because God foresaw it would be the language that would transcend cultural and political barriers in this age of Globalism, bringing his word as a light to all the nations. God is not a God of confusion; He makes Himself known by one name through His revealed word, namely the Holy Bible. As He has placed His word above all His name, then the one who would be audacious enough to replace or change His word would be the one who would be audacious as to replace or change His name. This is presently occurring in Christendom, as the Great Falling Away (from His word) process intensifies, and mankind is conditioned to receive another name ... the name of the False Christ of the New Age: John 5:43. I (Jesus) am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. His Name under siege: Is. 9:16. For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed. The most subtle attack of this process is coming through the Hebrew Roots Movement. The New Age goddess, namely Gaia, is too obvious for the fundamental Christian to be deceived. If (for argument sake) the Holy Bible is only a rehash of the originals (as the "hath God said school" declares), and not an inspired translation from the preserved Greek 'Received Text' (where the Authorized Bible derived from), then whoever is instigating the notion of "getting back to the Hebrew roots", and can impart this notion to others, creates a ready- made audience to present the "originals" in his own light, therefore making himself the Higher Critic ... "the Greek is a perversion of the originals ..." "better and more reliable manuscripts say ..." "better knowledge has come to light ..." "according to extra biblical commentary ..." "the Hebrew root word for this passage is ..." And thus and so ... ... placing the Higher Critic above your God given English version, and making him an instrument of "divine revelation" instead of the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. Therefore, more digging is required as things get more complicated, and more credentialed professionals are necessary to unravel the language and cultural barriers, along with the secrets hidden in the past. It starts off very innocently, as the gospel is presented in it's true context to be of relevance to the Jewish people (as it is for all people) and win them to Christ; the following verse fitting a sincere motive: 1 Cor. 9:20. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law ... So the Greek title (translated to English) JESUS, translates back to the Hebrew title Yashua and is presented to relate to the Hebrew speaking people. Christ becomes the Messiah they are hoping for, as Ha Mashiach in Hebrew. For this we can rejoice and praise God for, as many Jewish people have found, or are finding Messiah Jesus as Saviour through this revelation, as many other nationalities are finding Him through the Bible being translated into their language. However, any truth taken to extreme ends in error ... as Hebrew in many circles has been promoted as the favoured language above the language of the complete 1611 inspired translation, and given supreme importance as justified through the Old Testament being originally written in Hebrew, and the Jewish people being the original chosen people of God. Therefore, everything Jewish is being seen as being of God, and importance is placed on the Torah (the Jewish book of laws) on a par with the New Testament, as Gentile believers find themselves fallen prey to this type of reasoning as the Galatians were at the beginning of the New Testament era. Paul (a Jewish believer from the strictive of the Jewish sects) made it clear ... you can't have one and the other, as the new has cancelled out the old: Gal. 1:6-7. I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. Paul clarified it was the Jewish religion he was saved from, that was responsible for this falling away in his day, and was warning the Gentile Galatian Believers not to be entangled with it: Gal. 1: 13-14 . For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. Read Acts 15: 5-24 and you will see the church made a distinction between the old and the new with this final conclusion: Acts 15:24. Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment: Therefore, the Name Jesus (derived from Joshua - Jehovah saves) as Christ, the English name taken from the Greek (as the New Testament was written in Greek, the universal language of its day) is the hallowed name of God coming in the flesh. And is exalted as the Name above every other name, the only name whereby man can be saved, as the true and relevant name today ... that whosoever shall call upon this Name, shall find salvation and favour with his Maker. Yes!! ... Jesus is His name! |
Which name Mal. 1:11. For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the LORD of hosts. Whose name do we call out to when we want to be saved? In whose name are we sent? In whose name do we pray, preach, teach, and exercise divine authority? Is it ... Jeshua, Yeshua, Yeshuah, Yehshua, Yehshuah, YESHUA, YESHUAH, YEHSHUA, YEHSHUAH, Yeshouah, Y'shua, Y'shuah, Jeshu, Yeshu, Yehoshua, Yehoshuah, YHVHShua, YHVHShuah, Yhvhshua, Yhwhshua, YHWHShua, YHWHShuah, Yhvhshuah, Yhwhshuah, Yahvehshua, Yahwehshua, Yahvehshuah, Yahwehshuah, Jahshua, Jahshuah, Jashua, Jashuah, Jahoshua, Jahoshuah, Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Yashua, Yashuah, Yahshua, Yahshuah, YAHSHUA, YAHSHUAH, YASHUA, YASHUAH, Yahushua, Yahushuah, Yahoshua, Yahoshuah, Yaohushua, YAOHUSHUA, Yaohushuah, Iahoshua, Iahoshuah, Iahushua, or Iahushuah? Matt. 28: 18-19. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ... What name have believers been commanded to teach and baptise in? ... The same name of the Person whom all power in heaven and earth was given to ... a Jewish man named JESUS! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is the name of Jesus which is Christ, God's anointed one who came in the flesh. Proof? ... Then go to the Book of Acts (where the words of Jesus were being demonstrated by the apostles and early church) and you will see every baptism of the true Way was done in the name of Jesus, as was the preaching, teaching, deliverance's, healings and miracles. Deut. 28:10. And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee. Still not convinced!? ... Then tell me why the name presented and exalted in the Authorized 1611 English bible is the most degraded and spat upon name around the world, uttered as a malignant byword by millions, over and over again, every single day? Why don't you hear the name of another god being continually down graded? Why is not the name Yah being cursed, consciously or unconsciously, by the worlds masses? Because Jesus' name is the most precious name in heaven and earth, and should be treasured above all names, as the only name behind the Person who rendered Satan powerless and broke the chains of sin and death. It is the only name where life and death hang in the balances between whether we deny Him or confess Him. It is the only name where freedom or bondage is in the power of praising His Name or cursing it. Matt. 1:21. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. His name is JESUS! The Cult's pagan connection Jer. 23:27. Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal. If God's word has been lost then it can be justified that His Name has been lost also. And it would take so-called knowledgeable men who could put us right, so the notion goes. However, because God has given us His book, with every scripture given by Divine inspiration, we only need to go to His Book to find the Name which is above every other name, the only name by which men can be saved. The cult of Yah have got it wrong because it's roots are not Jewish at all in the scriptural sense, but pagan, and behind the scenes it's mystics have infiltrated Christendom (as it did with Jewish teachings through the Cabbala) leading people astray. Jude 1:4. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jehovah becomes Yahweh. Jesus becomes Yashua. Hence, God is now G-d being referred to as Yah or Jah. This suits the mystics, the secret societies, the covens, along with the ecumenicals and new agers. A HRM website states: We believe that: Yahweh is God and the only real one, Please don't forget: wisdom is from Yahweh, misunderstanding from men! Yeshua / Yashua should point to Jesus, not replace Him nor His name. Let's look at some proof in regards to "Yah's" roots: Masons commonly refer to their deity as the "Great Architect of the Universe" (G.A.O.T.U.) or the Supreme Being. God is further described as Grand Artificer, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Above, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, or Great Geometer. (The "G" in the Masonic ring can refer to God; it can also refer to geometry.) Masons claim that the actual name for God has been lost (cf. Jn. 14:8,9; Phil. 2:9-11; 1 Jn. 5:20) [HJB] . The Apostle John warned that those who deny that Jesus is the only Christ and that He came once and for all in the flesh have embraced the spirit of Antichrist (1 Jn 4:1-3). Every true Christian, in the strictest Masonic view, is therefore, necessarily hated and despised as a divisive, sectarian believer. (Source: 1/95, Flashpoint.) He who believes Jesus alone is classed a sectarianist. Others who are not adamant in this view will largely escape persecution. Jim Shaw, a former 33 Mason, says that Masonry is not based on the Bible (referred to as "The Great Light"), but on the Kabala (Cabala), a medieval book of mysticism and magic. Masonic authority Henry Wilson Coil also admits that the Kabala's teachings can be seen in some of the mystical and philosophical degrees of Masonry. Albert Pike (see next), the man responsible for virtually rewriting the Scottish Rite degrees into their present form, said that the Masonic "search after light" leads directly back to the Kabala, the ultimate source of Masonic beliefs (Morals and Dogma ). [HJB] And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth. Ex 9:16. The corrupt Hebraic source promotes / purveys the name of God as Yah (Jah / Jehovah) which fits the Masonic god, whereas the Aramaic source purveys God as El Shaddai (woman's breast / life nourisher) fitting the New Age mixed gender god. Summary The Old Testament was written in Hebrew for the Hebrew people, the chosen people of God, to declare His wonders to the world. The New Testament was written in Greek bringing the Kingdom of God to the whole Greek speaking Gentile world, as well as the Jews, that we might all become one people under God. The the partition has been taken down dividing the Hebraic Old Testament and the Greek New Testament: Meaning ... the whole bible (both the old and new) has been translated into English for the English speaking world (both Jew and Gentile) at the threshold of Jesus' return, and as a base been re-translated into other ethnic tongues for non-English speaking people. In the Old Testament the Lord's name was JEHOVAH (as presented in today's written word), the God of the Jews. In the New Testament the name of the Lord is JESUS, God coming in the flesh for both the Jew and the Gentile, that we might all become one people under God. In Update 8 we will be responding to the following type of reasoning which was a Hebrew Roots quote in a message compiled by Barb Aho ... "In summation, since existing New Testament manuscripts are Greek, written to express Hebraic concepts, why be limited to the Greek or English translations when we have Hebrew, now a living language not very different than it was 2000 years ago. The New Testament is in the pattern of the Jewish traditional work of Torah, Mishnah, Haggadah, Halakah, Talmud and Midrash, but inspired by God Himself for the common people. These Hebraic works as well as the Inspired Scriptures were quoted from by Jesus and all the writers of the New Testament. But even now, to have full comprehension, we must read the scriptures in the proper Hebraic context." "Most all of the Judaic writings have been preserved for us and now translated into proper English directly from the Hebrew, as well as explained in true Hebraic manner. Therefore, why not go to this material and study ourselves approved before God with full context and understanding?" Is. 9:16. For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed. To be cont. ... Update 9 |
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