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A Defence Of The Authorised King James Version Of 1611
Chapter III
That the King James Version is still being published 380 years after it first arrived in history is amazing. Since its introduction, there have been dozens of new "Bibles" put on the market to replace it, but none have succeeded. This alone is strong evidence that it is the version God has placed His stamp of approval on. One time a person of prominence asked a Christian for one reason why he should believe the Bible is the word of God. The believer responded with two words: "The Jew." His reasoning was since the Jewish people have been severely persecuted for most of their history, and many other nations have targeted them for complete annihilation, the fact they still exist with the same religion, culture, and language they began with proves the Bible to be true. This can be said of no other ancient nation. The Bible predicted in several places that the Jews would never be completely wiped from the face of the earth, and it also predicted their return to their land (Jeremiah 30:11, Ezekiel 34:13, 36:24, etc.). Unlike the Philistines, Moabites, Amorites, and many other cultures which were once neighbours with Israel, the Jew remains unto this day. The same can be said about the King James Version. Much like the Jew it has undergone persecution, slander, attempted corruption and annihilation, constant criticism, and the like since the day it was first proposed. That it has endured through the centuries unscathed has much to say about the authority behind it. The Revised Version, which came out in 1885, was published primarily to replace it as the English Bible. To my knowledge, no publisher prints it today! The American Standard Version (1901) is an "Americanised" version of the RV, and it has nearly passed into obscurity also. Why has the King James Version endured while others published to replace it fall by the wayside? What is so special about it? In this chapter we will examine some reasons why we consider it the "King" of Bibles. |
The Time Of Its PublicationWhen the King James Version was translated the English language was at its peak. By the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries English had already passed through its formative years and had become one of the richest and most expressive languages the world has ever known. The book, The Story Of English, written by Robert McCrum, William Cran, and Robert MacNeil says on page 91 concerning this period:
The authors go on to say on page 109 that the King James Version of 1611 is "probably the single most influential book ever published in the English language." Not the RV, ASV, NIV, etc., but the King James Version. Does this statement in itself not make it worthy of very careful consideration? Ever wonder WHO is responsible for it being so influential? It is fascinating that English language experts, who make no claim to Christianity, have in some respects a higher regard for the King James Version than many saved Bible scholars! Though these men may not consider the Authorised Version the pure word of God (they may not believe God's word ever existed), they do consider it a "masterpiece" of supreme influence. And who in his right mind would attempt to correct, revise, or in any way tamper with such a masterpiece? One that millions past and present believe to be the very word of God? No one but a professional Bible corrector (Genesis 3). In universities, seminaries, and Bible colleges all over the world there are "scholars" and teachers who systematically tear apart the King James Version and revise it (many of the new versions claim to be a revision of it), claiming to be correcting its (supposed) errors. They would never think of changing or revising the masterpieces of Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson, or other masters of literature of the period, but they butcher the King James Version under the guise that it does not accurately translate the "original Greek," or that it is based on corrupt manuscripts. As we have pointed out before, there is no "original Greek" in existence, and the manuscripts they charge as "corrupt" represent the majority and are covered with the blood of countless believers. Clearly the Bible corrector's excuses for "improving the King James Version" are nothing but more opinionated HOT AIR! At this point you may be thinking: "Am I to believe the King James Version is the pure, preserved word of God just because of its richness, vitality, and literary excellence?" No, not entirely, but the fact it was translated when the English language was at its climax is a very strong indication that God was behind it. Who knew that in the early seventeenth century the English language would peak? Who knew that after this period it would become weaker and less able to convey the meaning of Greek and Hebrew words? Why no one but God! Let's take this a step farther. Who knew in 1611 that English would later become the predominate language of the world when in that year less than TWO PERCENT of the world's population spoke it? Again, no one but God (Acts 15:18). The translators themselves did not realise that God was using them to prepare a standard Bible in the "universal language" of the future. Now, English is spoken by one-fifth of the earth's populationover one BILLION people! In fact, English is not only the standard for absolute truth (KJV), but also the standard for absolute time (Greenwich, England; the prime meridian), absolute location (longitude and latitude), and absolute temperature (Kelvin system). So the final authority for time, temperature, location, and TRUTH is ENGLISH! The little island country of England has, by God's favour and grace, supplied man with standards to show him his standing in relation to other people, to the world, and most importantly, with God. |
Must Every Language Have A Perfect Bible?Frequently, when Bible believers say the King James Version is the pure, inerrant word of God, someone will object and say: "If God gives the English speaking people a perfect Bible as you claim, is He not obligated to give one in every other language?" The answer is a resounding NO! Bible correctors and ignorant Christians often use this type of "logic" to try and intimidate the believer into thinking it is impossible for the Authorised Version to be pure and inerrant. Actually, they are saying either the King James Version has errors in it or God is unjust in not giving all other nations a perfect Bible in their own language. With this kind of either/or reasoning, they try to force the Bible believer to concede that the Authorised Version has errors in it by insisting that if it does not, God's integrity is in question. What a devious tactic: trying to pit the believer's love and respect for God against God's word and promises. These people did not learn this type of reasoning by studying the Bible; it is purely human, if not Satanic. Nowhere in the scriptures does God make any statement or implication that there must be a perfect Bible in every language. He has promised to preserve His word for every generation as we have seen, but He has not promised to preserve it in every existing language. Let's look at the language of the original autographs for a moment. Nearly all of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, however, no nation spoke Hebrew except the Israelites. God was not obligated to give His word in Egyptian, Syrian, Chaldian, or any other language. His word was available to the people in these nations also, but they had to go to the Jews to get it. To the Jews were committed the oracles of God (see chapter 2), and there were provisions in the law to allow strangers (foreigners) to convert to Judaism. Look at Ruth the Moabite for example. She was David's great-grandmother, an ancestor of Jesus Christ. The same can be said about the New Testament language, Greek. Though it was a more widespread language than Hebrew, there were still millions of people who could not understand it when the New Testament was written. Again, God was not then, or now, obligated to give His word in every existing language, and those who argue He must are ignorant of history and of the scriptures. God, who will not be intimidated by modern "scholarship," decided to combine His word into one universal language to make it more accessible to all men. He knew how English would circle the globe under the British empire and American influence. He knew how in the twentieth century English would be the second language for millions. He knew how it would become the world language of diplomacy, finance, and airlines, as well as of absolute time, temperature, and position. By his grace, God has made His word more available, readable and understandable by putting it in English; much more than it ever was in the "original languages." Another thing we should note here is the King James Version was translated before the great movements of unbelief swept the world. German rationalism, French skepticism, and English deism were not yet in force to affect the mentality of the translators. These philosophies have since then done more harm to the cause of Christ than will be known this side of Heaven. They have turned the majority of educated people into practical atheists. That nearly all the Bible translators since 1611 have been infected by these viruses can be seen by the doubt ("Yea hath God said") they spread by saying there is no infallible Bible on earth. This is one reason why God had His word put in the future universal language in 1611. The King James Version translators had a much more Biblical outlook on God and His word than the translators of today, and this will become apparent in the next section. Before we move on, let's look at something Dr. William Lyon Phelps, Professor of English Literature in Yale University said as found in the book, Which Bible, edited by David Otis Fuller:
The Ability And Character Of Its TranslatorsThe men King James picked (Ecclesiastes 8:4) to translate the Bible we now know as the King James Version were some of the most learned and gifted men in the world. There were fifty-four men chosen for this task, but a few either died or dropped out, and forty-seven were left to see it to completion. There are several profitable books the reader can consult (we will list some in the bibliography) that give many details of the scholarship, ability, humility, and overall character of these men, but in this brief section we can only mention a few of their most notable virtues. Many Christians today are lead to believe that the scholarship behind the new translations is superior to that of the King James Version. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Authorised Version translators were of unparalleled ability, and one would be hard pressed to find a group of translators today of any size who could even equal the ability of FIVE of the men King James selected. It is said of one of them: "his memory and reading were near to a miracle" (John Reynolds). Another was called "mighty in the scriptures" as Apollos was (Thomas Holland). Another was disinherited by his father for leaving the Roman Catholic Church and becoming a Protestant (Laurence Chaderton). One began to read Hebrew at the age of five and attended college at fourteen (John Boys). He sometimes studied in the library from 4 a.m. until 8 p.m. Even while suffering from smallpox he would not neglect his studies. Another (Lancelot Andrewes) had advanced knowledge of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, plus fifteen modern languages. He accomplished all of this while "a great part of five hours every day he spent in prayer." This only begins to mention the great ability, accomplishments, and devotion of these men. Great ability and education can be a curse, however, without meekness and humility, and the translators had these virtues also. They were not men who were "puffed up" and who flaunted their education, but men who were governed by a pious and humble spirit. This can readily be seen in the dedicatory of the Authorised Version written by Miles Smith:
He also says in the translators to the reader (preface):
The Qualification Of SufferingNot only were the translators of great ability and character, but many of them knew what it meant to suffer for Christ. They endured persecution, hardships, and mistreatment by the hands of the enemies of the gospel. This, however, only refined them, making them more like their Saviour. They not only BELIEVED the words of comfort in the scriptures, they KNEW they were true. As the biographer of William Tyndale (a man of like character who translated an earlier English Version) said as found in, Which Bible, page 259:
One qualification that modern day translators cannot meet is this qualification of suffering. Compared to Tyndale and the Authorised Version translators, they DO assemble in the "learned leisure of a palace" with no threat of persecution to "qualify" them. Furthermore, in 1611 there were none of the "modern conveniences" such as radio, television, and telephones, to steal the translators time (not to mention corrupt their minds). They were able to meditate and study upon the word without many of the distractions believers endure today. They used their time to carefully examine every variation between the Greek texts and to consider every possible translation for each word. All is clear, God knew what He was doing when He chose the time for His word to be perfected in English and the men to do it. |
Their Attitude Toward The ScripturesAnother significant and essential quality of the King James translators was that they ALL believed the Bible to be the word of God and without error. Though they were from varied backgrounds and differed on church order and administration and some other matters, each one had the highest regard for the scriptures and believed them to be the very words of the living God. Again, Miles Smith states in the preface (emphasis mine):
Mr. Smith says above the scriptures ARE the word of God. And since he was one of the translators, he knew the scriptures could not be the lost original manuscripts (2 Timothy 3:16) because we ARE (present tense!) commanded to search them! (This cannot be said about many of the translators of the new versions. Westcott and Hort, the two main figures behind the Revised Version of 1885, never stated they believed the Bible to be given by inspiration of God. Not even the famed original manuscripts! Another on the committee openly denied the deity of Jesus Christ! Would God use lost people to preserve His word?) Furthermore, Dr. Smith states that the intention of the translators was to make a good translation better so the English-speaking people could have "one principle" copy of the scriptures. Also, in a previous quotation from the preface we saw that they wanted to help the common man out of "ignorance and darkness" by making the Bible more accessible and understandable. The aforementioned book, The Story Of English, also mentions this on page 113 from a secular viewpoint:
In this the humility and integrity of the translators is seen. Their goal was not to impress people with their vast learning, or "brow-beat" the less fortunate with their superior intellect, they only wanted to produce a version of the Bible that was as accurate, readable, and simple as possible. How God has blessed their labours. (The translators of the "new Bibles" try to use this same reasoning to justify their "perversions," but later we will see this is not their primary motive at all). |
Were The Translators "Inspired"?At this point some may take issue and say: "No where do any of the King James translators, in the preface or in other writings, claim to be inspired or claim perfection for their translation." This is true, but biblically it has nothing to do with the issue. First of all, they did not have to be "inspired" to be used to preserve the already "God-breathed" word. Bible believers do not claim inspiration for the translators; only the WORDS (scripture) are "given by inspiration." Also, that they did not claim perfection for their translation does not mean that it cannot be so. God does not have to reveal to people what He is doing through them (1 Peter 1:10). For example, does Matthew say anywhere in his gospel that everything he is writing is scripture? How about Mark in his gospel? Does Paul say in Romans (and many of his other epistles) that he is penning (or speaking) only the very words of God? No they do not. God was using human writers to pen His words, but they did not always know (if many knew at all) He was doing it! Likewise, God could use the King James translators to preserve and perfect His word in all its purity in English WITHOUT THEM KNOWING IT. |
The Translation UndertakenWhen these men began to translate in 1604 they were divided into six committees, each one working on a section of the Bible. Every member of each committee worked individually, and after he finished with his section, he brought it to his committee for group examination. They would then all go over it together, and once they agreed on the reading, they would send it to another committee for their examination. In this manner the whole Bible was carefully gone over at least FOURTEEN times. If there was any special problem with a word or passage, they would send a letter to every learned man in England for assistance. This process took over seven years to complete. It is obvious these men were devoted to making the translation as perfect and complete as possible. In 1611, after a final examination by a small group of translators, the text was completed and sent to the printers. The rest, as they say, is history. |
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