Who is God?



IT IS REVEALED that Yahshua was "EMANUEL", that is, "Elohim (G-d) with us". Elohim in human flesh. Can Elohim die? Here is a brief pointed answer.

This is a question that has perplexed millions. It is an enigma that has never been made clear and plain to many minds. Yet the Scriptures give us a clear revelation, in plain, simple words exactly what they mean. In other words, the MashiYah died for our sins (1 Cor. 15:3, 1 John 3:4)

Elohim (G-d) in the Flesh

John 1:1 "In the Beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with Elohim (G-d) and the WORD was Elohim (G-d).

The Greek word Logos means Spokesman. This is referring to the ANGEL/PERSONAGE/IMAGE, WHO, long before Eternity, The ALMIGHTY OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT formed for HIMSELF. Then HE was SPIRIT/ANGEL/IMAGE as ONE ENTITY (One G-d) (Rev. 3:14, Col. 1:15-19, Col. 2:9, There was never a Co-Eternal Son as some churches propagate, but only ONE MAJESTY (G-d).

THE ALMIGHTY OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT Formed this Personage for HIMSELF so that HE could, through HIM, converse with HIS creatures, as HE, as SPIRIT, does not speak or no one has seen HIS FORM (John 5:37).

Now this Personage was also the Pre-Incarnated MashiYah and so for our sake's divested HIMSELF of Inherent Immortality for the time being while on earth (Phil. 2:5-8). (In Afrikaans "Hy het Homself ontledig en vlees aangeneem"). WHY? In order that HE might die. That through His death, He might destroy (annul) him who had the power over death, that is, the devil. HE took on, at birth, via the lineage of David, human Flesh - made human. HE, the Personage of the OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT from Eternity to Eternity. (Micha 5:2), left HIS Throne in Heaven to become a human being to erase our sins.

FOR THIS END the MashiYah both died, and rose, that He might be Master both of the dead and the living (Rom. 14:9). THERE IS THE ANSWER. Through HIS death and Resurrection the MashiYah became the Master of the dead as well as the living. He paid the penalty for our past sins. He made possible the way so that both the dead and those now living might have life Eternal - not mere temporary existence, but Life Everlasting.

For when we were yet without strength, in due time the MashiYah died for the lawless ones, while we were yet sinners, the MashiYah died for us Rom. 5:6,8 & 1 John 3:4).

The MashiYah the Everliving.

In the Old Covenant the Logos is called by different Names. Elohim calls people and beings what they are. Therefore, the NAMES of the MashiYah have always been - whether Names or titles, words which describe WHOM HE IS. most frequently HE was called "Yah" or "I AM WHO I AM". And we know that this means that HE is the Eternal, or the ONE in Whom is Inherent Life. It signifies One Who possesses Life Inherent From Eternity to Eternity - Life Source. (Refer Abingdon's Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible on Page 47 of the "Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary" for the meaning of "YAH").  He gave HIS NAME to Moses as "I AM" (Exod. 3:14) That is, the One Who Is, Who Exists, Who has Life Inherent in Himself. He is also the WORD or SPOKESMAN as well as CREATOR of all things. (Refer Col. 1:15-17, 19 and John 1:1-2). He spake and it was done by THE OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT (His so-called Father is the New Covenant), performed the command, AND THERE WAS LIGHT. The Pre-Incarnated MashiYah (The Personage of the Spirit), and the Spirit combined in perfect harmony in Creation, as the MashiYah, when in the Flesh, said, "I AND MY FATHER AM ONE". Not one in deed or thought, but ONE AND THE SELFSAME MAJESTY (G-d) (John 10:30, John 14:9-11). Now the Logos through Whom all things were made, was made flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:2-4 and 14).

THE MASHIYAH (The Great 'I AM') was converted into Flesh.

Notice the Word Who was the Eternal the Everliving (Micha 5:2) in Whom was Life - ETERNAL LIFE - by Whom all the worlds were made and created - The Almighty Himself, HE was made Flesh, THAT IS, He Who existed from Eternity, He Who had Life, He Who was Elohim, was made FLESH, CONVERTED INTO FLESH, until He became FLESH and then HE was FLESH. But though human, He did have from birth, the indwelling of the ALMIGHTY OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT - so that He, even as we, might be resurrected from the dead, and again have Immortal Life - that is, concerted back into Spiritual Immortality so that He, by His Resurrection, once again became the very Almighty Himself.

THUS HE made the same resurrection possible for us. Yes, Yashua was a Fleshly Man. He was Elohim come in Human Flesh. And, when converted into human Flesh, the Life that kept Him alive resided in the blood, as in all who are flesh (Lev. 17:11). The breath exodizes the blood and is called the breath of life - of human or animal life.

Yahshua as human, was also the ALMIGHTY (Heb. 13:8). He was both human and the Almighty at the same time. The ALMIGHTY MANIFEST IN FLESH (1 Tim. 3:16) "Forasmuch then as the children are partakes of flesh, He also Himself likewise took part of the same (Heb. 2:14).

Now when Yahshua, in His FLESHLY Body, died on the stake (tree), just before He blew out His last breath, He said "My Father (Spirit), My FATHER (spirit), WHY HAST THOUGH forsaken ME" (Mat. 27:46, Mark 15:34), THE OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT left His body, as the SPIRIT (Father) cannot die. BUT AFTER THE MashiYah was three days and three nights (72 hours) in the heart of the earth, on the very second of the 72nd hour, the SPIRIT came back into the dead BODY AND Yahshua rose from the tomb, as Yashua Himself said before His impalement, that He will raise His own Body in three days (John 2:12-22). In any event He is the RESURRECTION AND LIFE (John 11:25). Speaking of His Life, Yahshua said, "No one taketh it away for Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have Power (His SPIRIT) to lay it down, and have Power to take it up again". (John 10:18).

How about you and I? DO YOU REALISE what a TREMENDOUS PRICE was paid that you and I might be released from the death penalty of our sins. The Very ETERNAL- The Spokesman of the SPIRIT, permitted Himself to be changed into a mortal human, stepped down, descended to human plane, suffered, was tempted, persecuted, despised, rejected of men, and eventually was impaled on the stake (tree). (Acts 10:39, Gal. 3:13, I kepha (Peter) 2:24 and Deut. 21:22 and 23).

If Yahshua had been only human, His death could have paid the penalty FOR BUT ONE OTHER human being who had incurred that penalty by transgressing HIS Spiritual Laws (Rom. 6:23). since Yahshua created all things including man, were made by Hi, He is our Make and, therefore, the ALMIGHTY, and his life that He gave, was of greater value than the total of all human beings (John 1:1-3). He stooped to human level, submitted to death, trusted the SPIRIT to come back into Him and rose to Life Immortal again, so that you and I could also become Immortal beings if we submit out lives to Him, and by his Mercy keep HIS Laws. STATUTES, etc. and also believe on HIS NAME YAHSHUA, as there is no other NAME by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). This is the only way to salvation - the only way THIS GREATEST PRICE EVER PAID IN THE UNIVERSE FROM ETERNITY CAN SAVE US.

Forty days after He rose for the tomb, He went back to Heaven from where He came (john 3:13, Eph. 4:10, etc.) and is again reigning from His Throne the Universe with His Omnipresent SPIRIT (refer Rev. 4:2), from where He is soon returning to this earth to come and right on the Throne of David for a thousand years, etc.

Written by: J.L. Reyneke

The Believers in Yahshua

Zeph. 3:13

Gold Line

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