Words |
Words can charm and words can wound so
choose your words with care. |
Who is God |
Why Our Saviour Died And
Rose Again. |
Tables of
Comparison |
The categories of
tables were selected to represent the most significant areas of change in modern
translations which affect fundamental Christian doctrine. This listing is only a portion
of the overwhelming number of alterations to essential doctrines. |
The Gift of Life |
The Bible tells us more abut the gift of
eternal life in Ephesians 2:8,9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not
of yourselves, it is the gift of God, Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Notice that this scripture does not say that we are saved by grace alone but that we are
saved by grace through faith. We must have enough faith in Jesus Christ to obey Him or God
will not save us by His grace (unmerited favour). |
Behold the
Bridegroom Comes! |
While this writer is not committed to
the pre-tribulation rapture theory due to lack of knowledge, this piece is included for
the purpose of further clarifying Covenant truths. |
Mark of the Beast |
What is the Mark of the Beast? |
The Bible |
Which one to read? Which one is the
Right one? |